trulicity's staff application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by johnny gonzales, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. johnny gonzales

    johnny gonzales Member

    Mar 1, 2021
    1. Your game tag:troll:rulicity
    2. Which country do you live in? I live in the United States of America
    3. What is your timezone? My timezone is PST west coast of the usa.
    4. Do you speak any other languages? I speak a little spanish but mainly english.
    5. Do you have ways to capture evidence? I use OBS and gyazo replay to capture evidence of hackers or chat flooders.
    6. How long can you be active everyday? Depends on what I have to do but if I could I would forsure be on for more then 3-5 hours a day
    7. Have you ever been banned on our platforms? I have not been banned I believe hard to remember from over the years
    8. Do you have any previous experience in moderation? I used to be mod on multiple servers including faithfulmc cavepvp and veltpvp they were hcf servers.
    9. How long have you been a member of Skywars? I have been playing for over 4 years now I believe.
    10. Why do you think you should be a staff member? I should be apart of the skywars network staff team because I have tons of experience, I can be on daily for hours on end, I'm a very cool person to talk to and hang out with, I hate hackers and chat flooders, I grind for days to be at the top and want to be an asset to the team.
    Thank You Skywars for taking the time to look at my application hope to be with you guys soon!
  2. Hey!
    Thank you for taking the time to apply for our server.
    Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements stated HERE.

    • 35 messages posted on the forums
    • 2 factor authentication is enabled on your account
    • You have been registered for a period of 1 month
    We encourage you to take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

    Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
    Volunteers are always needed.

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