SkyWars Reform of the /Shop

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Qwiby, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. Qwiby

    Qwiby Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Welcome to Qwibs monthly waste of time
    Jokes aside I put a lot of time into this suggestion thinking of better prices for all items
    All my edited prices are in bold

    (Ill put my reasoning for most of the changes at the bottom but ill make a TL/DR for the most important changes IMO)
    Any feedback is greatly appreciated

    Epearls: Probably most used item, good fair price
    Maybe needs a nerf to 5$ instead of 4$

    Gapples: I think 12$ is too much, 10$ is fine

    Switch: Super broken item needs to be hella nerfed, 7$ to 12/15$​

    D Chest - 3 | 4
    D legs - 3 | 4
    D sword - 4
    I Chest - 2
    I legs - 2
    I sword - 2

    Bow - 5 | 4
    Arrow x 3 - 1
    P arrow - 2 | 1
    F arrow - 1
    E arrow - 6 | Read below

    Spiderball x4 - 1
    Egg x 3 - 2 | 1
    XP x8 - 1 | Read below
    Lava - 3 | 2
    Water - 2
    Red torch x2 - 1 | x1 - 1
    Gapple - 12 | 10
    Pearl - 4
    Grappling hook - 3 | 2
    Cobweb x4 - 1

    TNT x4 - 6 | 5
    Wood x4 - 1
    Cobble x6 - 1 | x5 - 1

    Singularity - 15
    Singularity+ - 20
    Black hole - 50 | 40
    Switch - 7 | 13
    TNT launcher - 6
    Land mine - 4

    Extra info (Read below info)
    XP Bottles: Why? These are almost completely useless unless you grind enough iron somehow to get an anvil. At the moment, no point to even have them in the shop unless you add lapis.

    Explosive arrows: Arent currently working, honestly some other items might not be working either so id appreciate feedback
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
    • Support Support x 2
  2. Caleb

    Caleb Active Member

    Sep 19, 2020

    I agree that some shop prices need changing. The items you have suggested for changes seem understandable. I agree most with the enderpearl change, as yes, it is quite an OP item especially when purchasing from the store before the game, because you can easily catch players off-guard when they are going through their chests and they have not even had the chance to put on armour yet.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Qwiby

    Qwiby Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Yea thanks for catching my typo
  4. I support all the shop prices you think should be changed whichever numbers you have said on your suggestion.

    definitely needs changing, some of these items are pretty over-powered like the switch
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. sabrina

    sabrina Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    i agree with all except the god apples, they're really OP and tbh i feel kinda unfair using them against players. if anything the price should go up

    but all other prices look good to me, so support overall

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