Hey everyone! I think it would be a nice addition to add in ranks similar to KitPVP and OPPVP on MV. A lot of players have a good amount of money in their account and it would be nice to have something to work towards. While perks such as kits might be too OP for SkyWars, I think a nice prefix in chat to flex the rank you have would be an excellent addition. If you feel there are any in-game perks other than a prefix you would like to see, leave them below and I might add them into the thread. Peace out!
Support! More ranks available to buy on skywars would be awesome! Also agreed with having a prefix in chat would be cool
Support, would make skywars a lot more customizable and give a better experience for older and new players
Neutral. Although I think that it could be beneficial for the server, it could also harm it. I've already stated this in a similar suggestion for OpPvP on MV but adding this would encourage breaking one of the rules. I'm not 100% sure whether or not it's the same as MV, but i'm not comfortable explaining how it works here as it could exist. Feel free to PM me on Discord or start a conversation with me about it instead. PS; we don't have ranks on OpPvP
I love the idea of getting perks from grinding and playing often. At the moment there aren’t much things on Skywars that you can actually work towards, and I know when you do have something to work on it makes the gameplay more fun and enticing (for me, anyways). I would like to see this idea developed and refined so it’s at a stage where it can be implemented! Another idea is adding trails to the cosmetics you can buy.
I'm personally neutral since the way this was done before (yes this feature was out for an entire 24 hours before it got reverted), it looked just like a donor rank and in my opinion had a better colour than Pro even... At that point, why even bother to get a donor rank. I think your idea would've been amazing if donor ranks were never introduced, but it's kind of ruined now. It worked like this: The only way this could work now would be if it was like Infection/Bedwars/KitPvP with some pre-prefix showing your level/title in front of your donor rank. I think that might be a bit lame and ruin some of the simplicity of skywars chat-wise. The only way I could really support this is if Pro loses it's prefix and just becomes a &d coloured name instead. Then whatever skyrank you buy, the prefix will be coloured blue or magenta depending on you having pro or not. This would require a custom chat plugin, which I doubt Crew would be too interested in getting. To easily push out changes to all gamemodes and servers, he prefers using the same plugins on all servers. Either way, as I said: I'm neutral