Archieology (Arxh) staff application <3

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by arxh, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Hello People! I am Archieology (Arxh) and today, I am applying for staff on the skywars server!

    My IGN/In-game name:

    My full in-game name is Archieology (but I am normally nicknamed to Archie)


    What is your location and time zone?

    I live in the south of England so my time zone is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time UTC+0)


    What languages do you speak?

    My native language is English ) and I do also know a little bit of French


    Do you have the necessary means of capturing devices? (i.e recording software, screenshots, etc.)

    yes indeed I do, I use OBS (Open broadcasting software)

    and for screenshots I used the built-in way to take screenshots in Minecraft (F2)


    How long can you be active on our platforms every day?

    I have made a clear table to show how active I am

    Monday-5 hours 430pm-930 PM

    Tuesday-4 hours 530pm-930 PM

    Wednesday-5 hours 430pm-930 PM

    Thursday- 4 hours 430pm-830 PM

    Friday- 6 hours 430pm-1030PM

    Saturday- 10 hours 800am-600PM

    Sunday- 10 hours 900am-700PM

    Note these times can change if there is something happening IRL or it’s the holidays


    Have you ever been banned on our platforms?

    I have never been banned on the Skywars server


    Do you have any past moderation experience?

    I moderated on a small PVP server for around a month yet it shut down since the owner was actually doing the pump and dump scheme. So it got shut down without notice


    Why do you think you should become a staff member?


    I am active on all platforms ( In-game, on the fourms and on discord)


    I understand what people mean when they ask for help, even if there are many spelling errors in their message, I also try to find solutions for problems, I am also an honest person and try to find quick and easy ways to sort things out


    I wouldn't call myself a lazy person, I play a lot of tennis and try my best in most things that i attempt, i am also attempting Duke of Edinburgh award (this involves many months on volunteering, sports


    Since being stuck inside for pretty much an entire year, I have had time to mature myself
    I've seen my fair share of bizarre people on the old server i moderated on, and I've always kept my cool whenever somebody was being rude/toxic
    yet there are somethings that could need improving
    i type fast you see, and sometimes i type things wrong and they make people confused, but i always correct it the second i see i typed it wrong. for example
    Arxh: yes, when you finish the parkour youg et 10 skybucks
    Arxh: you get*
    and i always correct that fast, but we all make mistakes so i suppose that is understandable

    So, overall I think I do indeed meet the requirements to be staff

    That you very much for reading and please give constructive criticism if needed <3

    (also add my discord arxh#1129 if you have any questions <3)
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
  2. Hey Archie!

    I'm going to start off with a neutral due to the following reasons -

    Reports: I would like to see a couple of reports from you as it seems to be quite low.

    Discord #help channel: As an applicant, I would try to to also be active in this channel as much as you can. As there isn't many help questions that members ask on the Skywars discord, see if you can find some whenever possible.

    However, I agree with you that you are active on all platforms. You seem to have a great talent and a strong relationship with Skywars which makes me think you're perfect for the position here. :)

    Whether it be global/normal chat, you always try to start a conversation or to get in a talk with the skywars community about interesting things.
  3. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    thanks for the rating cwea, i will start attempting to help in the #help discord channel :)
  4. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    I’m going to not support, and I really want to say support but listen Archie, I think you could have made a way better application! I’m going to tell you this because I tell a lot of people when I don’t support their app. You list only your strengths! I know an application is all about putting an impression on the staff so they say, “Hey, I want that guy on the team!”, But you have to tell them your weaknesses along with your strengths so you don’t look like you’re just trying to pretend to be perfect. As for your experience I think you could’ve done so much better, If you really want to wow the staff try telling them how these experiences taught you what it means to be a staff member and how it has helped you gain skills to which you can apply to this server if they take you. It’s nothing personal like every other app I review. Truly tho, I believe you can do so much better when applying. Now I’m not just going to criticize you, you did do a decent job at showing why they should hire you. I liked that part, but maybe you could have added more to it like more writing to maybe get your point really made. You’re incredibly active on the forums, and I noticed that, but maybe just try and be more active on the server as well. I don’t see you online that often and when you are it’s for a short amount of time. I really do think you would be a good moderator and I just want the best from you because you’re a cool dude. Again, it was a good app and I think they might take you, if they do good job, I wouldn’t be surprised as you are perfect for the position. Please don’t take the not support personally I really do think you’re a cool dude. Just I expected a lot out of you on this. - ValiocAFA
  5. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Hey Valioc. I first want to start off by saying, I think you're a really cool person, and you have been nothing but kind in-game. I have been looking through your responses to a few moderator applications. You seem to give very detailed responses on each one, but here's my issue; you seem to have an unrealistic standard of what a moderator requires. I do have a fair amount of experience when it comes to hiring moderators. I have owned 1 Minecraft server and co-owned 2 within the past 2 years. I have had my fair share of viewing and judging applications. Keep in mind, I am 100% aware that I am NOT the person to be saying if Archie will get the position or not. Also, your responses seem to be filled with a lot of repetitive and unnecessary information. For example, in this one, you say that you are not supporting and then list off a few reasons. At the end of your response you say "Again, it was a good app and I think they might take you, if they do good job, I wouldn’t be surprised as you are perfect for the position". You end off by saying "you are perfect for the position" this completely contradicts the rest of your response. I would urge you to try and review your personal standards and put a little more thought into your responses.

    Support! It seems like you have a good understanding of how moderating works, as well as your weaknesses and strengths.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2021
  6. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    You're very right about the repetitive part, I just felt bad because I'm friends with Archie and I don't want him taking criticism in the wrong way. I have also owned and co-owned servers in the past. I believe we both have different standards though. You see, I believe when choosing who you want to represent the staff team and the server as a whole you should want the best of the best. (Not saying anyone is not great) I just mean that especially on a larger server with many people, you should try and pick people who will be a model of how a good staff member should be towards the community. As much as I appreciate your concern for my standards, I just want the best of the best, and or someone really good. Like I said before though, the unnecessary information was just to avoid coming off as rude or disrespectful. Thank you for your input though, sincerely -Valioc.
  7. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    hi me again, i forgot to mention, whenever there's something that needs attention, i message online staff or @mods on discord, for example here are my messages with james (athyrix)
    upload_2021-2-10_10-36-8.png upload_2021-2-10_10-36-20.png
    and also , here's me telling accept that there are people being highly inaproprite
    so, i so have some reports but not all of them are on forums
  8. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
  9. Switching to Support.

    Although your activity has been low, it could be due to some issues or just casual life. Improve on that a little bit but other than that, good luck!

    + Shown reports which defines you're active on the server
    + Discord #help/general channel activity is great
    + Positive attitude is always seen from my POV at least

    Honestly, I've seen some players talk about experience. I had barely any knowledge on how moderation works apart from using commands, and I don't agree that it's really lacking how you'd fit in the squad. To be honest, if you were to be accepted, I could assume that you'd be quick at learning how things function in the Staff Team.
  10. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    thanks for the new rating cwea, means a lot!
  11. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
  12. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Support, while I don't know you super well I've seen you around a lot on the discord and in-game and I think you would make a good mod. I think you maybe could've included some more information in your app, maybe talked more about the things you're working on but that's about it. Good luck.
  13. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    bumping! xo
  14. eunice

    eunice Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    support for archie <333

    i see you fairly often on skywars (even tho i don't even play a lot myself) and know that you are a kind and helpful person! goodluckky
  15. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    hihi its me, just saying sorry for the inactivity i just started irl school again so ive been busy with that, but im gonna try to be on as much as i can. thanks for understanding <3
  16. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    im so sorry for the inactivity recently, loadsss of stuff had been happening irl and cant keep up haha, il try to be more active if i can
  17. Application withdrawn at the applicant's request.
    If you would like to reopen your thread, please report this post within the next 90 days, otherwise you will have to create a new application if you wish to be considered!
    This thread has been moved to Denied Applications.

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