10K Skybucks Celebration!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leofelixcraft, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. Leofelixcraft

    Leofelixcraft Active Member

    May 11, 2021
    [​IMG] I have finally reached[​IMG] 10.000 skybucks on this server! I know that there are lots of you out there that have way more than that, but it is still a cool moment I guess!

    I remember joining skywars.com for the first time as a 10 year old.
    It was arround midnight, and I was supposed to sleep since 2 hours, but instead I was playing minecraft on german servers.
    After a few hours I got a litte bit bored, and started to randomly type ip adresses into the minecraft connect bar, that I made up in my head. After arround 10 guesses for random domains, I actually connected to a server: Skywars.com

    I was so amazed by the fact that I hit a real existing server by accident, so I started playing, and instantly got hooked.

    I was a very new mc player back then, so I was really bad and had like a 2% winning rate, but every skybuck profit felt great!

    I ended up spending most of them on explosive arrows, which were a lot cheaper back then (3 or 4 skybucks for 1 arrow).

    After some time, I forgot about the server and never got to play it more than once or twice.


    around 10 months ago, when I searched it up again for nostalgia,
    And somehow... ended up grinding the **** out of it for like 2 Weeks (made round about 2k in that time period).

    Since then I am an active player on skywars.com, and love the fact that its not that big of a server.
    I am always happy to see the same user names when I join!

    Now I am 17. yo and I think Its crazy that I am now, 7 years later, playing on the same server, that I found just by guessing ip adresses!

    How and when did you guys find out about skywars.com?
  2. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Congrats on 10k Leo! Happy you found your way back to our community. :)

    A friend of mine introduced me to skywars back in 2014, and after playing consistently for a few months I quit and forgot about the server until Sept 2020. I rejoined, and have been playing ever since!
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  3. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
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