ValiocAFA Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by ValiocAFA, Feb 28, 2021.

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  1. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    1. Your game tag: ValiocAFA

    2. Which country do you live in? The United States of America

    3. What is your timezone? EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    4. Do you speak any other languages? I speak some Spanish.

    5. Do you have ways to capture evidence? I do, I currently use OBS (Open-Broadcaster-Software) and the basic Minecraft screenshot function to capture both chat, and video evidence of whatever I have to.

    6. How long can you be active everyday?

    Sunday- 6-7 hours of playtime. (at least)
    Monday- 5-6 hours of playtime. (at least)
    Tuesday- 4-5 hours of playtime.
    Wednesday- 4-5 hours of playtime.
    Thursday- 6-7 hours of playtime
    Friday- 6-8 hours of playtime. (at least)
    Saturday- 6-8 hours of playtime. (at least)

    I'd like to state that this table above describes my in game activity. I am always able to answer on discord and can be reached at any time of the day. As for the forums, I usually keep them open most of the time. Just to check for notifications, which I check every so often (every couple minutes)

    7. Have you ever been banned on our platforms? No, I have never been banned on one of your platforms.

    8. Do you have any previous experience in moderation? Yes, I do. Throughout my 7 years of playing Minecraft, I have had many times where I've served in a moderation position. As you'll come to see, each one of these servers taught me something new that helps to better my moderation skills. If I listed all of them, it would take days to read. So I'll list my most important ones.


    Jetski network was a network server that peaked at around 65 people on at once, every single day. This server had a staff system sort of like this one, you applied for a moderator then an admin would review it and decide. I applied approximately 2 months after joining the server, and out of 7 applicants at the time, I was selected as the new moderator. I was mostly on the bed wars and skywars servers because they were the most popular of the bunch, and my multi-tasking skills were instantly put to the test. I was bombarded with questions and people asking me to watch somebody. This particular experience has shown me that being a staff member on a server can be very stressful, people tend to only want you to help them and get mad if you don't. This server taught me something that most applicants fail to realize when they want to be a staff member, it isn't all fun, banning hackers, and popularity from your rank. What it is truthfully, is hard work. It's satisfying the needs and requests , along with assessing situations and making judgement calls on when and what to do about said situations. I was on this server for around 6 months and I eventually worked my way up to an administrator position. The staff team and I, were forced to leave because unfortunately, the owner was in the hospital for a while because of liver failure and he was unable to pay for the server.


    GhastMC, was probably my most important staff experience. You see, this was a prison server that averaged 40 people on a day. I'm mentioning it because it taught me the most important lesson that I know in terms of moderation. I was accepted as a Trial-Moderator after 3 weeks of playing there. I proved myself,and eventually became a full scale mod. In this position I was mostly answering questions, and solving arguments in chats. I was hired alongside one other person who was how will I say it, not the best staff member. He abused his power and would ban people for just slightly annoying him. This gave the server a bad rep. Which brings me to my most important lesson I learned- Everything you do as a staff member not only is a direct representation of yourself, but of the staff that hired you, and the server it's self. Whether good or bad. Let me elaborate with an example, if you do something like ban a bunch of players for no reason, you are of course giving yourself a bad look, but think about how the staff that hired you look now. They hired somebody who bans people for no reason and now their server is known as the server with abusive staff. My staffing there was cut short due to my resignation. At the time, I was getting surgery in my leg and I couldn't be active for a while.


    LightningMC was the largest server yet averaging around 160 people a day. This server was a Kit-PvP server. I played there for 1 1/2 months before applying for the rank of helper. I was accepted and I was promoted very quickly to moderator to my surprise. The first week there I averaged 4 days of playtime (I didn't sleep), and was almost always working hard on some task. Whether it was testing bugs, or helping answering questions every second, I was busy. I was on this server for 9 months as a moderator and made it to a Senior Moderator. This server taught me how to multi-task. I would almost always be doing more than 1 thing at once. I'd be messaging multiple people about a situation and answering questions on the forums at the same time. It was certainly exhausting at first, but I got used to it. It also gave me a fair share of experience with recording hackers. As you can imagine, a Kit-PvP server is a hackers dream. I eventually resigned here, because the server got very toxic, more the staff then the players though.

    9. How long have you been a member of Skywars? I've been a member for a couple months now, but haven't made a forums account until 1/28/21

    10. Why do you think you should be a staff member?

    I believe I should be a staff member for multiple reasons. Currently, this server has a wonderful staff team. They are all very friendly and very good at what they do. The only problem is they are never on. Now, I'm not saying this applies to every staff member, but the majority are never active on the server and the players realize it. Not just that though, they take advantage of it. You see this is what causes a number of hackers to arise. I've also noticed that most of the staff team are from Europe. This means they are 5 hours ahead of me and there are many gaps of time where hackers, spam bots, ect. With my EST time zone, If I was a moderator this would solve the issue of coming onto the server just to see there isn't a staff member online. Another reason is I'm very active in the server and the community. I love the community and the people in it are just spectacular. I've met many new friends who I play with every day. Sadly though, there is very little I can do which is what drives me to apply. I have tried to stop rule breakers but there's only so much I can do as a player. I try to do my part though, and have submitted many reports to try and stop rule-breakers. I believe if I get the opportunity to work along side the staff team here at Skywars, I could handle these problems. My goal is to make the server and community better as a whole. Being "that person" that the community can go to for guidance or help when they need it is something I aspire to become. I also am very experienced with multiple of commands for many plug-ins. I'm able to determine multiple different hacks. Finally, I'd like to list for you some of my strength's and weaknesses that I possess.



    I am currently 16 years old. I like to consider myself mature for my age. I try to always be mature, because I know being a Moderator is all about being mature and being respectful. I learn from my mistakes, and am able to move on and try hard to not repeat those mistakes.


    I am both responsible and trustworthy, as I'm the kind of guy you can trust to get the job done good.
    If anyone reading this is one of my friends, then you know I am all about trust. I'd like to say I know how to make the right decision. What makes me responsible though, is I'm somebody you can depend on. Whether it's for help on a task, a question, or even just input on something you can count on me for help. I also use good judgement before I do something.


    Activity, it's one of the most important qualities of a good staff member. I myself am very active and chances are, if you hop on the server I'll be online as well. This server is what I play in my free time, so I'm always on. As for dedication, I have submitted numerous reports and helped gotten multiple rule breakers handled to the best of my ability.



    I tend to over focus on the task at hand, this can sometimes cause me to lose track of my other tasks. This means I will do one task really well, but then sometimes realize I have other tasks. My multi-tasking skills are something I have been trying to improve on.


    There have been multiple times in my life where patience has been an issue. I can be impatient at times. it's something I strive to improve on as well. I am not perfect and this is a prime example of how. I know impatience can be a bad thing when you're put in a moderator position and I have been and will still try to fix it, but I believe through weakness, comes strength.


    Throughout my life, I have and will make many mistakes. This weakness is one that everyone can relate to, as nobody is perfect. I myself, am not perfect and have messed up a lot. The thing about me though, is that I try and reflect on my mistakes to avoid repeating them or making more. I believe that when one makes a mistake, the most important thing is what they do afterwards. What I mean, is one could simply not care and continue to make mistakes. On the other hand, somebody could really prove that they won't make one again.

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    Discord- ValiocAFA#2170

    If you decide to not-support or neutral, I would greatly appreciate any specific feedback/criticism on areas that I can improve on in the future!

    Thank you all for reading and reviewing my application! Sincerely- ValiocAFA

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  2. Malc

    Malc Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020

    [+] You're very active on all three of the server's main platforms (server, forums, and Discord).
    [+] You have lots of experience, and the way that you listed a Moderator's responsiblities shows that you have a great understanding of what would be expected of you as a Moderator here.
    [+] You clearly put a lot of time and effort into your application which, to me, shows that you're dedicated.
    [+] You have apparently been making a lot of reports which also shows dedication and an understanding of the server's rules.
    [+] All of the encounters I've personally had with you, as well as the way I've seen you interact with other players, have been really positive and friendly.
    [+] You made a point to highlight your potential weaknesses, which in my opinion shows responsibility and honesty; both traits a good Moderator should possess.

    You also make a good point with saying that many of the current moderators are not in your timezone, and aren't the most active in general. It would be very beneficial to have you on the Staff team for this reason.

    I think that you would make an amazing moderator. Good luck!
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
  3. For the little time I've known you on here Val, it's great to see your growth and activity with the server. I feel if promoted to moderator, you'll be able to help the server with getting rid of most of the hackers that usually come on most of time.

    I think you have many characteristics which have been covered in your application, anyways the best of luck to you.

  4. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments and good luck to you as well!
    Thank you Cwea, ur the best bro
  5. athyrix

    athyrix Forums Creator

    Aug 26, 2020
    Hey, it was really nice meeting you the other day.
    It's great to see you applying for staff and I think you have great qualities. Your application has been written pretty well, but maybe change the colour of your responses (long paragraphs in a very bright blue can strain the eyes a little!) but other than that it's pretty well written.

    Buena suerte hermano :thumbsup:
  6. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    gracias hermano, and got it. Thank you though it was nice meeting u yesterday!
  7. Ari Cult

    Ari Cult Active Member

    Jan 29, 2021
    Hi Val! I know you've been looking forward to this for a long time and put so much into this application. I really hope you get it, but I can't say I believe you won't. You're going to be a great Staff Member. Good luck!
  8. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    you have all my support Val,
    most of the time when I get online, I see you there playing and chatting to people and never have I seen you spam or curse. and of course, you are active on all the platforms

  9. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thanks Blue! Means a lot!
    Thank you so much!
  10. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Ahh yess I hundred precent support Val! He's a super nice, informed and helpful player. I think his past experience makes him a great pick for moderator and I'm sure he'd fit the role well. It's clear that you really thought out what you wanted to say in your app and I enjoyed all the details. I also liked that you included your faults, it means that you're honest and improving on them. SUPPORT. Good luck Val!
  11. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    THANK YOU! Ur the best novembree! It means a lot really. I didn't think I could possibly get this much support!
  12. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Well-written application, very nice/well-rounded person. I think these attributes are really important when applying for any position of authority. You have more than enough experience in the Minecraft moderation field. Full support!
  13. kingzonas

    kingzonas Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2020
    Idk who did no support, but Im gonna guess they are not that active.
    My boi over here is active, respectful, nice and would make a great mod. Good luck!
  14. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Long story short, I gave someone constructive criticism on their application because they weren't active for 20 days and counting. Then their friend decided he was going to not support me because I didn't think somebody who was extremely inactive was dedicated enough to become a moderator. It's no big deal though. I appreciate the feedback and I really appreciate the support. Thanks homie!
  15. Atombow

    Atombow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Why're you speaking for me? If you wanted the reason could've just @ me. I no supported you cause I don't think you're fit for staff lol nothing more nothing less. I could give less of a sh1t of who supports or no supports who cause I don't play anymore lmao. Also I'm pretty sure that the times I've gotten on and gotten into a match with you, you would harass me cause I would buy items from the shop. I don't know if it was you but from what I remember both of you had closely related usernames. Plus bro go outside, you spend an average 6-7 hours playing mc everyday? That really isn't that healthy for you man.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2021
  16. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thanks for the correction. I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen you in a game. You must have mistaken me for another person. As for my activity, it’s mostly 1-3 hours in the mid day then at night another 3 because I get bored. Thanks for the feedback though, sincerely -ValiocAFA
  17. Atombow

    Atombow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    no worries, You don't see me ingame because I play on alts the times I do go online. Goodluck with your application.
  18. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Ohhhhhh, that makes sense! Well, make sure to say hi next time, you seem cool! Thanks for the neutral, I understand not everyone will think I'm fit. Have a great day bro.
  19. Atombow

    Atombow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    no worries, after re-reading your app and some of your responses I realized I was judging you too harshly. I'm sure you'll get my support soon. You too man.
  20. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Bumping! :)
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