NA LABS05 Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Tim, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021

    Your game tag:

    LABS05 (frequently nicked labs)

    Which country do you live in?

    The United States, specifically Texas.

    What is your timezone?

    Central Timezone

    Do you speak any other languages?

    I only speak English fluently, with minimal Spanish education.

    Do you have ways to capture evidence?

    Yes, I use OBS, I have the Microsoft snipping tool, as well as the in-game screenshot feature.

    How long can you be active every day?

    This is one of my weaknesses. I can only be on about 1-3 hours daily. (Possibly more over the weekends, I am currently juggling school as well as a part-time job.)

    Have you ever been banned on our platforms?


    Do you have any previous experience in moderation?

    I have some good experience when it comes to moderating. I have moderated/owned two servers in the past few years. These experiences have taught me a lot of things about moderating. Below I will list the two servers and my experiences with them.

    Kelton MC:

    Kelton MC was a Minecraft server I started up a few years ago. It featured factions, as well as kit PvP. We had a great staff team and co-owned it with one of my friends. It was fairly successful, had about 20-30 consistent players. We had to shut it down due to internet issues after about six months to one year of running it. I can apply this to Skywars by using some of the knowledge about the plugins, and hacker behavior.


    FunZones was a small server that I moderated for about half a year. It featured factions and prison, as well as some team deathmatch. I was instrumental in their setup process as well as their moderation team. I was very active and had a good eye for spotting hackers, spammer, and bots before it got out of hand. I think that moderating on FunZones tested my maturity and responsibility. It was hard work, but rewarding. There weren’t many hackers compared to bigger servers, but we got our share.

    How long have you been a member of Skywars?

    I have been a member of Skywars since 2014, it was one of the first servers I played.

    Why do you think you should be a staff member?

    I believe I could be a good addition to the team because I am mature, respectful, and experienced. Despite only being 16, I already work 25 hours a week, as a cashier, and am attending Austin Community College. I know that I am not applying for fun, rather for a job. I would treat this like any other job, I would do only my best work. Working as a cashier has taught me the value of hard work, and responsibility. I think both of those characteristics are very important to have as a moderator. I would count myself as a good sport, and very respectful. I understand that when talking to anybody, it is important to treat them how you would like to be treated, respectfully. Another attribute I think is necessary to have as a staff member is impartial judging. I think that when giving out punishments, there is no room for favorites. I think all of my experience will come in handy, with detecting hackers, and general knowledge of Minecraft. I have been playing Minecraft all my life, so I am very familiar with Skywars, and PvP in general. I enjoy being able to assist people, I want to help provide a fun, safe, and fair playing field.


    I believe that it is always important to be transparent. I would also like to share some of the things I believe I could work on. I think that I have a hard time telling people no. For example, if someone wanted to play a game with me, while I am already focused on another project, I have to tell them that I am not available. Another weakness I want to focus on is being able to ask for help. Admitting you don’t know something is very important when trying to improve at anything. I think it is important to ask any questions I may have right away to minimize mistakes.


    Thank you all for taking the time to read my application! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Feel free to add me on Discord- labs#6230

    Moderator Requirements

    Two-factor authentication - ✅

    35 Messages posted on forums - ✅

    Registered for at least one month - ✅

    (Edit - changed discord tag from to labs I do not plan on changing again in the future)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2021
  2. Let me be the first to support!

    Before going into the actual Application, you did kind of post farm your way towards meeting the requirements. Anyways, I'll start.

    Your activity - although it isn't the best, you still strive your way finding hours to play and report hackers which shows your dedicated to the server.

    Your knowledge - you'd make a good mod since you know quite a lot of hacks and would be a great helper around here.

    Your attitude - always calm and kind towards others! :)

    Some feedback I'd like to give however:

    Try and get active in the discord group, we'd love for you to engage having a convo maybe with members, even though this isn't necessary.

    There is also a #help channel, keep in mind that you can help us moderators with players who are stuck/figuring out an issue and need help when we're busy.

    All in all, a great application! Good luck
  3. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    I really appreciate it Cwea. I will try and be more active in the discord! I also really appreciate your feedback. Thank you so much for the support. :)
  4. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    I support! Labs is active, kind and helpful around the server. I think you would make a good mod. Good luck!
  5. Malc

    Malc Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020

    [+] Your activity is great.
    [+] You seem like an approachable and genuine person.
    [+] You seem to have a good amount of experience under your belt.
    [+] You made a point to list your weaknesses and stated that you are open to working on them.

    Good luck Labs : )
  6. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    I really appreciate all the support!
  7. ValiocAFA

    ValiocAFA Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    I am going to support, but I’d like to give my feedback.

    Firstly, Labs is such a nice guy. He is always saying hey whenever we are online and he is very respectful. and I can see him being a great moderator. I think he has multiple good qualities and I love how he included impartial judgement as one of his reasons. I think that’s extremely important.

    I liked how he included his experiences and his weaknesses. I wouldn’t say he’s the most active member, but he’s certainly able to put hours in. He’s very mature which makes him what I would say a great candidate for this position.

    I doubt this will matter but I just want to ask, would college interfere with your ability to moderate? I know college can be rough sometimes and you might have to study a lot instead of being able to moderate which can cause inactivity. To add on to that, you also have a job. So right now this server is at a point where moderation is in dire need. Anyways, I believe you’re the kinda guy that can handle all that work. Best of luck- ValiocAFA
  8. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thanks for the support! I do think that college would affect the hours that I am available. This is definitely one of my weaknesses. I think that minimum I would be able to moderate for about 1-3 hours daily. All though this is not much I hope that I am able to do what I can to support the community in that period of time. Thanks for the feedback!
  9. eunice

    eunice Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Support : )

    Although I don't play much on skywars myself, you come across as someone who is respectful, kind, and helpful.

    All the best to you!
  10. Atombow

    Atombow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Support, from what i've seen from you on forums you're a pretty well rounded dude.
  11. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thank you both so much! Thanks for taking the time to read the application, and for your support! :)
  12. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Bump! <3
  13. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Bumping! :thumbsup:
  14. Malc

    Malc Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
  15. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thank you so much Madi, it means a lot!
  16. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Apparently I haven’t commented or rated here but support 100%.

    100 reports is a lot and I can clearly see you’re active. Now I don’t know if the reports are all valid or not but if you’ve made that many, you have a great understanding of hacks and clients. You are a nice and kind person and I’d love to see you as a mod because you’d be a great one. Good luck!
  17. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    First off I want to thank you for the support! Though I haven't had the chance to talk to you 1 on 1, from what I have seen on the forums and discord, you seem like a really kind person! I should have clarified, but 100 valid reports. Though I do have a few invalids, I didn't list them on my status. Anyways, thanks again! :)
  18. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Re-supporting! I've gotten to know Labs a bit better since I last commented and he's very helpful and active around the server. He has also been making a lot of hacker reports and knows what to look for which is very important. Hope to see you on the team one day! :)
  19. Tim

    Tim Moderator Moderator

    Jan 28, 2021
    Thanks, Novembree! <3
  20. sabrina

    sabrina Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Support! You seem really friendly, from the conversations I've had with you / have seen you having in the MV discord you're very helpful and approachable!

    I cannot speak for your ingame activity, but judging from others' opinions I'm sure you'd make a great mod <3

    Best of luck! :p
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