Hey all, Voting on SkyWars at the moment doesn't seem to work. I think it would be beneficial to see it fixed in the near future especially considering it's now a standalone server and could use some spotlight. I think while this is being done, some new rewards could be added in. Crate keys would be an excellent addition into the loop and could provide players with stuff such as extra balance, in-game items, particles, pets, etc. Let me know what you think!
I like the whole idea of particles but I think crate keys should just be for gamemodes such as skyblock or survival. But if kits do get implemented I don't see why we shouldn't be able to get them out of the vote keys Support
I like this idea, it opens doors for other future potential updates (trading for example). However, one part of me thinks that the whole crate key and trading isn’t for this server.
Personally I don't think crate keys are such a good idea, as it adds unnecessary items to the game. The thing I love about SkyWars is it's simplistic nature with just using "SkyBucks" as currency and buying what you need in the shop from game-to-game. I think pets & particles should just be a rank perk, as it adds more value to the Pro rank. As for in-game items, I'm pretty sure you lose them once you die, so if a player doesn't want to use them straightaway they might be a bit stuck. No support to this specifically, but I do think they should bump up the amount of skybucks given per vote c:
Crate keys would be a good addition but I personally think Skywars has been fine without keys. There's nothing much to Skywars other than the /shop and winning games. I don't really think the stuff inside the crates would be that beneficial, however it wouldn't be a terrible idea and I think the community wouldn't mind them being added in. Going with neutral fella.
Do you not get cash for voting? I’ve voted a couple of times but haven’t checked to see if my balance has gone up. Of course if the current voting rig is broken I’d like to see it fixed. More people will be voting, and thus the server will increase in popularity. Perhaps even we could add 2 more voting sites to further gain popularity to the server. Personally, I’d love to see more depth to the server and the addition of crates would be great. This doesn’t seem to be the public opinion however, and others just seem to like a simple server. I’m sticking with my opinion for this and i’m supporting this suggestion.