Hello, this guide is to help players new to TacoShack and maybe teach others some things they never knew about. We will be going over the basics and some tips/tricks for TacoShack! WHERE DO I USE THE BOT? The Skywars Discord has 2 designated channels for the TacoShack Bot which can be found under the Bots Channels category, #tacoshack-1 & #tacoshack#2. HOW DO I START? Start by typing ;found to create your very first shack! You will receive a direct message from the bot with some helpful tips and a link to their discord support server. WHAT COMMANDS SHOULD I USE? Start by using ;cooldown (;c for short) to see what available things you can do: ;work - makes you work a shift and pays you. ;tips - collects tips given by customers. ;clean - cleans your shack for better service. ;daily - collects your daily money (24h). ;vote - votes for the bot and gives you coupons as well. WHY YOU SHOULD CLEAN YOUR SHACK? Cleaning your shack is a good thing. It helps keep your income higher. If your shack is dirty, the income you make is slightly reduce, depending on the customer happiness which can be found by doing ;shack. This is a chart representing the different customer satisfaction and income impacts: HOW DO I RAISE MY INCOME? You can buy decorations (;deco), advertisements (;ads), hire more employees (;hire) or upgrade your shack (;up)! These give an addition to your income and can raise it. Raising your income is also part of your achievements (;achievements/;a). HOW CAN I GET A BETTER TIP OR MAKE MORE WORK MONEY? Upgrading appliances and your tip jar definitely help! I suggest upgrading these first before getting a higher income. These help you get more money which can definitely help you buy more items. The commands you can run are ;buy appliances and ;buy tipjar. WHAT IS A FRANCHISE? Franchises are a group of shacks together owned/co-owned by a few people. These people are commonly referred to as corporate or management. Franchises have expectations and have requirements. The TacoShack Official Discord Server is where you can find franchises and see if you meet any of their requirements. Franchises also have perks such as more work money, more tip money, unlock a special work command, ;overtime which lets you work an extra shift for pay, and much more! WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? If you max out your shack, expand it! ;expand allows you to buy more decorations, advertisements, upgrades and hire more employees! You can even save up for the Beach and City Shack. This allows you to own different shacks with completely different settings. ADDITIONAL TIPS Don't forget as your income grows, you get more slots in your menu (;menu) which allows you to work more and get more money! ;menu edit will allow you to edit your menu, ;menu list shows all available foods you can sell! Try saving up coupons as emergency cash. Don't use them all! If you need any help, try joining the TacoShack support server for additional help. ;name to change your shack name and ;slogan to add a shack slogan. ;shop shows available boosts which can help boost your income temporarily. ;goals displays daily goals/quests for you to do in return for money! It's a great way to make quick cash. Overall, just have fun! Hope this guide helps you out! Have fun using the TacoShack bot.