Hi all, I strongly believe the switch should be removed from server. It is a unfair way of trying to win a game & just takes the fun out of the game. Many thanks DynamFire2003
Support. I would remove the switch or increase the price. It's really easy to do this and get players killed (especially when trying to get them voided). Many players who have high balances are always buying this item for only 7 bucks! (In-game money)
i would never buy them everrr, neverrr, ok i do buy them a lot cos of my balance, but i think the price should be increased to like 10-12 skybucks so neutral.
I'm neutral, it's annoying when people use them a lot but overall it doesn't really bother me much. Maybe just up the price of them to negate people using them often?
Support, it’s a bit too powerful and I think it’d be great for either removed or the price is bumped (like Cwes said).