Remove mods' perm to alt check

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by Sando3, Sep 19, 2020.

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  1. Sando3

    Sando3 Active Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    I find /alts and /dupeip too abusable for regular moderators to have. Even if the current mods on the staff team are trustworthy with the command, the whole purpose of making Skywars a separate server is to get new mods FROM skywars. I don't feel like someone newly promoted on Skywars should get this right off the bat.

    It leads to:
    - False bans (not enough experience to know when to ban and not)
    - Random alt checks (staff check people without having valid reason to altcheck someone)
    - Knowing what alts people own (Unless you're heavily prepared to demote staff for saying "well gbduck is your alt, sando" on external servers (not skywars directly - let's say in calls for example) then remove the command immediately)

    Unless there is an earlier rank like helper or trial mod, this permission should be removed. This isn't about the current staff team, but rather looking at the future. I know we love the sentiment of "we'll change it once it becomes an issue", but can we for once prevent something BEFORE it does

    Edit: the same applies to /socialspy if that is given out. Set up a proper ranking system if you want to give out easily abusable permissions. Srmods or helpers.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
  2. Agent

    Agent Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    At the moment, the SkyWars staff team is quite small and this permission was given to SkyWars staff until the team grows. All SkyWars staff members are aware of the possibility of the permission being removed once the staff team grows larger, and this is something they all understand. If there are any acts of abuse (in general/due to this permission) from staff members, our Administrators will handle it accordingly. This command will not be removed from Moderators at the current moment in time, but it may be removed in the future.
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