Forums Forum Guide

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by boba, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    How To Use Forums

    This thread is to help users to understand how to to the basic type of things on Forums. By this time, you should have a Forums Account and are logged in. Here are the basic things to do when joined.


    The top bar is your handy dandy tool. It will help you navigate throughout the Forums. First step is to click the “Forums” drop down button.


    After clicking this, there will be a lot of categories. Categories are created to organize forum sections in an organized manner. Let’s go through them.



    The announcements category has 3 forum sections.


    The information section contains threads which have very important information about our server and forum rules, our staff team and information about post farming.

    To understand what post farming is, please click here.

    News and Announcements:

    The News and Announcement Section will have threads that talk about competitions, additions and even sales!


    The changelog category will have posts about new things added to our server and forums. These will be dated and have a full explanation on what’s new!


    The general category has 4 forums sections.



    The discussion section is where you can talk about things happening in Skywars, some thoughts you had you wanted to share and anything mainly related to Skywars.


    If you have any suggestions that you wanted to share, create a thread here! Your suggestion will be looked at and will be accepted or declined.

    Forum Suggestions are overlooked by @Athyrix.
    Discord Suggestions are overlooked by @Agent.
    Server Suggestions are overlooked by all staff.

    Introductions & Farewells:

    Making an introduction thread is a really good way to get involved with the community. If you want to introduce yourself, knock yourself out. If you’re departing from us, you can let us know by making a thread here as well (but don’t leave us :c)


    Anything unrelated to the server or Forums can be put into this section. You can talk about random things and even make Forum Games to play around with the community. Counting games, word games and much more. Express your creativity here.


    The support category had 4 forum sections.



    If you catch someone breaking a rule on forums or in-game, take evidence of it (video evidence for hacking is preferred in-game) and make a report in this section. A staff will then deal with this issue.


    Appeals can be made if you’ve received a punishment (mute, ban) from in-game or forums. If you’ve been banned from Forums, please ask a staff before creating an alternate account. Alternate accounts are not allowed unless for reasons, you must inform staff before making one.


    If you are having any issue regarding ranks, purchases or anything that needs attention, please create a thread in this section. Staff or players can help you out (depending on the issue).

    Members can also go to this section and go to the Member Information Change for any account related changes or if Premiums would like a new colour and/or custom title.

    Bugs and Exploits:

    If you’ve encountered a bug issue in-game or forums, please create a bug report here. Staff will look into it and ask administration to fix it up.


    The applications category has 2 forum sections.


    Staff Applications:

    If you want to apply for the moderator position for Skywars and help out, create an application in this section.

    You must meet the requirements listed in a thread in this section and use the template (also provided).

    Streamer & Youtuber Applications:

    If you would like to apply for a content creator position, please create an application here.

    You must meet the requirements listed in a thread in this section and use the template (also provided).


    The premium category has 1 forum section. This category is available to members who have a forums premium. To purchase one, please click here.


    This category is similar to the description of the off-topic section.

    Now that you understand the meaning of each section, you should know how to make a thread.


    First off, click the Forums button on the top bar.

    Secondly, choose a section to make your thread in. (For this, I will be choosing the off-topic section)


    Thirdly, after clicking Off-Topic, I will click Post New Thread.


    Fourthly, I will type a title and some content inside.


    Last step is, click Create Thread.


    And you’re done! You’ve officially made a thread!

    Now you’ve created a thread and learnt about each section and category. Let’s learn about your profile!


    How do I view my profile page? Start by doing this.

    Click your name on the top bar and click Your Profile Page.

    This will pop up the following:


    And you should be on your profile!

    Now when you click your name on the top bar, loads of options come up and let’s talk about them!
    • Change Username - allows you to change your forums name. Cooldown is 30 days for regular members and 21 days for Premium Members.
    • Personal Details - you can edit the following:
    1. Your status
    2. Gender
    3. Date of Birth display settings
    4. Location
    5. Occupation
    6. Home Page (where you’d want members to go to like maybe your introduction thread)
    7. Information Tab (About You)
    • Signature - edit your signature which is displayed your post in every thread you post it.
    • Contact Details - how members can reach out to you, edit your Forums account email and messaging preferences. Here are what identities you can add:
    1. IGN (In-Game Name)
    2. Discord (Name#0000)
    3. YouTube (Channel Link)
    4. Twitch (Channel Link)
    5. Skype (account username)
    6. Twitter (account username)
    • Privacy - you can change who can view your profile, comment on your profile, poke you and much more regarding your account.
    • Preferences - edit your time zone, thread details, signature appearances, your online status and your activity.
    • Alert Preferences - edit on which things you receive alerts from.
    • Avatar - edit your forum account avatar here and upload a new one here too.
    • Password - change your forum account’s password here.
    • Your News Feed - see what’s happening on Forums.
    • Conversations - create forum conversations with members on the Forums. You will receive updates in your inbox.
    • Alerts - check the latest alerts you received.
    • Ratings Received - see what other members have rated your posts on Forums.
    • Ratings Given - see what you have to other members on their posts on Forums.
    • Your Content - see what you’ve posted on Forums recently.
    • People You Follow - see who you follow on Forums.
    • People You Ignore - see who you ignore on Forums.
    • Account Upgrades - purchase Account Premiums here in different colours and how long it should last.
    • Two-Step Verification - enable or disable verification when you log on Forums to ensure a safe account.
    Wow, that’s a lot of things you can do with your account. Well that’s the end of this guide! There’s always more to come!


    1. You can rate posts when you get 25 posts on Forums (do not post farm for this).
    2. You can see the positive, neutral and negative ratings you’ve given and received on your profile page.
    3. Trophy Points are an interesting part of our Forums. For details on it, check the thread by clicking here!
    Thank you!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    • Like Like x 3
  2. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020

    This post will show you how to exactly use this tool bar:




    This feature allows you to hide your reply. Those who have replied to the thread your hidden content is located in can view it.

    When you write a message to be hidden, the special block codes should be on the sides and the content in the middle.
    Once you've written your message and posted it, the Hide feature will make your message look like this to others:

    Hide [Post Count]:

    This feature allows you to show your content to those with a specific post count. You can make your limit maybe 20, 50 or even 100!

    Once you post your content with a specific limit of posts to view what you've written, it will look like this:
    Hide [Reply/Thanks]:

    With this feature, those who've liked the post with the hidden content and/or have replied to the thread with the content can view what's written inside.
    Hide [Reply]:

    If anyone has replied to the thread with your hidden post using this feature, they can only view it. It looks something like this:
    Hide [Thanks]:

    Those who have liked the post with the hidden content can view what's inside. Once liked, refresh the page and the content can be shown.
    Show To Group:

    This feature is very resourceful. It allows you to specifically show your content to certain groups of users. These groups include Moderators, Senior Moderators, Administrators, Server Owner, Premium (colour) and even Muted Members.

    Once you've selected the user groups you want your content to be visible for, you can go ahead and insert and post. It will look a bit like this:
    • Like Like x 1

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