We cannot /msg /w /tell people. I suggest for us to be able to, I don't see why we cannot. In the video I tried all aliases of /msg, none worked. Reasons: 1. /msg'ing my opponent good fight 2. /msg'ing my friends when we are playing together 3. It really doesn't make sense not being able to, unless there’s a specific reason we cannot? 4. Being able to message moderators for assistance 5. If someone is being toxic, /ignore.
Gotta agree, this would be nice. Earlier today when I saw a player with an innapropriate skin I wanted to msg the online mod, but that wasn't an option, and that is kinda annoying. If you have /ignore, I don't see why /msg would be a problem? Full support.
Support man. It's annoying not being able to /msg players, I told matt (admin) about this case, it's not been resolved yet so hopefully this command is able to be used again. Reasons why this should be back again is because you can chat to players whenever you want, either in-game or even in spawn.
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