ok alright so, hiyooooooooooo so, im bored, so ima giveaway 1000 to 1 person. how to enter: ign: best clutch/play you have done ingame: good luck and ends in 4 days
nop, just like i got 2 pearls in a chest and won with a wooden sword while every1 had diamond arrmor or something
ign: Mvdi best clutch/play you have done ingame: Some guy hit me off and I placed a block and landed on it right before I was about to fall, so he probably thought I died, and then I pearled back up and killed him
Ign : ValiocAFA Best clutch/play you have done ingame: I was on the castle map and had only a pearl and a wooden sword, no armor. I was rushed by a team of two, I killed them both with 2 hearts left. Just as I got his loot I was rushed by a full dia dude. I jumped into the corner area placed 2 flames which distracted him long enough for me to climb the ladder. Then after I gappled, I jumped down to fight him with my now somewhat decent gear. Stone sword, leather armor. So he ran out to the end of the spawn area and we fought. With his last hit before he died he sent me off the edge, well almost. I drag right clicked and built about 5 blocks back saving me from death. Then I shot some dude off for the win. Lol
IGN: SecretLloyd Clutch: I did a epic pearl against Cwea where I was knocked off the map and I pearled up and then when I was under the island I threw another pearl through a one block gap and right as I was about to die to the void my pearl landed and I killed Cwea. I won that round btw lol.