get to know you more!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by boba, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    hi everyone!

    Forums is kinda down and I’m making this thread to get some people engaged and involved! So we may have done an introduction but why not talk about something else about you! Feel free to talk about what your hobbies are, where are you from or even what languages you speak!

    Here’s a list of things you can talk about if you can’t decide:

    • Your name, what it means and any backstory about it.
    • Where you’re from, some things about where you’re from.
    • What languages can you speak, and maybe a sentence in that language with a translation if possible.
    • Your favourite hobbies.
    • What games you like to play and why.
    • Any sports you play and what inspired you to play them.
    • Favourite song and artist and what do you like about their songs.
    • What got you to play Skywars and what’s kept you there.
    These are just some things. Feel free to come up with anything else about you. If you’re not comfortable, then don’t post here, don’t worry about it. <3

    You can even do multiple if you want! Would love to get to know others, even if this seems like an introduction thread, it’s just made to get to know you and what you like to do : )
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  2. Aly

    Aly Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    My IRL name is Alyssa, and as far as I know it doesn't really have any backstory to it, my family just wanted my name to start with an A. I found out my name actually meant ''flower'' a few months back so that's pretty cool

    My in-game name is a whole other story which is too long for me to go into.

    I'm from Singapore and honestly there isn't much to talk about. It's a pretty boring country/city imo.

    I can unfortunately only speak English. However, I do have some history in speaking Chinese and i'm currently learning Spanish from @Disc (joking), i'd rather not translate a sentence tho since it'd be embarrassing if I didn't get it right

    Mostly just playing video games. I've gotten into animating/graphic designing for a while now and will hopefully, if all goes well, take a course for it next year!
    Mostly just Minecraft. I get to play it and hang out with my friends which is pretty cool.
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  3. sabrina

    sabrina Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    My IRL name is Sabrina, named after Sabrina the Teenage Witch (yes)
    My IGN is Sa_Sa_Sabrina, the Ab_Ab_Abcdefg names were a trend on Minetime creative back in 2014 and it just kinda stuck lol
    I'm from england and we have tea
    I speak fluent english and french, and I know one sentence in german; Ich liebe funf Katze auf Donnerstag.
    I enjoy gaming, I am currently taking a break but I also love making youtube videos as well. Colouring/drawing is a good stress reliever for me, and I also love cooking/baking.
    Minecraft, among us, Sims (I wanna get sims 4 for christmas hopefully) but I'm always open to new games!
    I don't play many sports at the moment due to coronavirus restrictions but I like playing netball & rounders in the summer
    I am absolutely in love with gabrielle aplin, my dad introduced me to her cover of Power of Love (her most well-known song) and ever since hearing it I fell in love with her music. I saw her live 2 years ago, and i really hope to see her again in March (provided the concert doesnt get postponed...again)
    I used to think skywars was just pvp, nothing really special to it, kind of like hypixel where the best players rule the scene and theres no room for new incomers. but having played it a lot, i really enjoy the gamemode and making videos on it for my channel :p
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  4. Qwiby

    Qwiby Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Uhhh long story short i dont like my first name so ive always used my middle name whenever i have a chance (unless like professional settings like work) so most people know me by christian and not my first name. Either way im white as hell
    Ign is qwiby, ive kinda stuck with it for a while now but the backstory of it was I used to fanboy over XY build members so i came up with something like that and it stuck

    Im from philly, philedelphia for ppl not from US. Not much to say except you can walk under the city streets for miles without hitting a dead end or using train tracks thats all im sayin.

    I speak fluent english and some poor, but communicate-able german. For instance,
    Boba ist mein lieblingsfruende.
    (Boba is my favourite friend, with flirtatious tones)

    Favourite hobbys would be video games and being terrible at surfing. Also drinking coffee if that counts.

    Games i like are so odd, but. AOE 2DE, Minecraft, Among us, CSGO (im absolutely garbage), Factorio, and minesweeper.

    Surfing, idk im border line a pot head and a lot of ppl surf when theyre like that so i just go with it

    Ik its cringe, but quadeca is on top. Followed by X and kota the friend
    Favourite song hands down is summerhouse. Song slaps so hard im in love with it.

    Only reason i play skywars is to bully and be better than @Acceptation
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  5. Boss

    Boss Moderator Moderator

    Sep 19, 2020
    I like this boba!!!

    • Your name, what it means and any backstory about it:
    Logan, I claim it was unpopular when I was named it but it's too popular for my liking now. There's no backstory behind it and I was nearly called finley and I LOVE FINLEY SO MUCH MORE.
    • Where you’re from, some things about where you’re from:
    Gloomy England. I have a love-hate relationship with my accent.
    • What languages can you speak, and maybe a sentence in that language with a translation if possible:
    I did Spanish for over 4 years but I've not spoken it in about 3 years so...
    • Your favourite hobbies:
    Sleeping, playing games, eating, walking the dog.
    • What games you like to play and why:
    Minecraft because I'm staff, League is my second favourite because it's a destresser, Pokemon is an all time favourite, Overwatch sometimes, and some steam games I play here and there
    • Any sports you play and what inspired you to play them:
    NONE. But I used to do a lot when I was younger, swimming, running, football, rugby.
    • Favourite song and artist and what do you like about their songs:
    TAYLOR SWIFT. Been a swiftie for 12 years. Her lyricism is out of this world and the track instrumentals are so mesmerising. Every time she brings out a new album she evolves in a way nobody would be able to predict and that just shows how versatile she and her voice is. I could write a whole essay on this but I'll spare you that. Favourite song from her is split between All Too Well and Seven.
    • What got you to play Skywars and what’s kept you there:
    I played quite a bit in 2016 before it got took down and played a bit here and there when it reopened again. Currently staff.
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
  6. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Ok so um, the idea was to only reply to one question but you guys made it better so let’s keep it this way :p and I’ll join it too!

    My IRL name is Ayaan. Sounds ugly, kinda don’t like it but it’s fine lol. It means Gift of God apparently in Arabic but still kinda hate the name.
    I’m from Toronto, Canada. We have the CN tower, loads of poutine stores and poutine is amazing. If you come to Canada, please try it. Also have Tim Hortons, it’s a coffee store everywhere in Canada.
    English, French, Urdu/Hindi (they’re similar but some things are different).

    Here’s a sentence in French: Tu es très belle @Qwiby et je t’aime beaucoup (means you are really beautiful Qwiby and ily a lot in a sexy French accent LMAO)
    I like to eat, sleep, be productive and talk to everyone on discord because I have no life <3
    Eh I’m on a break from games cause I want to focus more on my school cause it’s a bit too much atm.
    I used to do swimming but can’t cause of COVID and I did some volleyball at school. : )
    Ok so any Harry Styles song (@Agent probably agrees) because his songs are my type, they’re chill, upbeat, sad types and they’re quite nice when I’m working or studying!
    Skyblock got me to Skywars since they’re partnered and Skyblock is what keeps me here. And the lovely people ofc!

    Glad you do!! <3
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  7. eunice

    eunice Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    ooh this is cool i likey

    my name is eunice (pronounced u-nis), not rally a backstory to it. idk why my parents gave me this name. i actually used to be insecure abt my name LOL but people from skyblock n stuff made me grew to love my name.

    "vic" is kinda like a nickname + my online alter ego (outside of sb/mv etc tho lol), derives from 'victory' which is apparently what eunice means in greek

    I'm taiwanese!! but i lived in hong kong longer :p

    but also BUBBLE TEA aka BOBA comes from taiwan !!

    i speak mandarin, bit of canto but rly badly. learnt french for 2 years ish, but forgot all. learnt japanese for 2 years too but hated that language LMFAOO. i only rmb the alphabet

    i love reading, making video edits, painting / sketching, listening to music, hanging out w/ friends, photography, etc.

    i play league and minecraft mostly and go through phases with both. like the times when i quit skyblock i was into league and now that i've been playing more minecraft i dont play league as much anymore. it kinda takes turns etc. LOL

    i play volleyball, and uhh two of my closest school friends play and they convinced me to join the team

    i also enjoy hiking a lot, i go hiking all the time w/ friends
    THE WEEKND AND BTS r my main
    ^ idrk what attracted me to the weeknd but he was like the only artist i really stuck thru with enjoying like every single song of his discography and bts jus has a huge impact of my life on a whole

    other artists i really love include black atlass (he always likes my tweets n is so sweet) & superm

    uh i jus play occasionally cause y not
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
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  8. Frez

    Frez Moderator Moderator Competition Team

    Sep 19, 2020
    • Your name, what it means and any backstory about it.
      Frez, its my nickname irl from my ex and my mates
    • Where you’re from, some things about where you’re from.
      UK, Yorkshire, idk its pretty cool, lots of places to kayak and walk the doggo :D
    • What languages can you speak, and maybe a sentence in that language with a translation if possible.
      English and a tad bit of French
    • Your favourite hobbies.
      anything watersports
      Most sports ngl
    • What games you like to play and why.
      Minecraft and among us :p
    • Any sports you play and what inspired you to play them.
      Kayaking, Badminton and Rugby are my mains
    • Favourite song and artist and what do you like about their songs.
      I just love music xD
      Right now, its musicals (more modern ones) the 1975, Ben Platt and Imagine Dragons
    • What got you to play Skywars and what’s kept you there.
      got lost on skyblock, played some skywars, enjoyed it, play every now and then xD
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  9. NoodleToes

    NoodleToes tryhard

    Sep 20, 2020
    My ign is NoodleToes, not sure how I thought of it. My real name is Franco.

    I'm from South Africa. It's quite hot here right now.

    I speak Afrikaans most of the time except for when I play minecraft.
    "Hallo Boba, hoe gaan dit met jou?"
    Means: "Hello Boba, how are you?"

    I like fieldhockey, music, hunting, fishing and games when I'm bored.

    I only play minecraft and I don't even know why I still play it.

    I like playing fielhockey cause it's competitive and a lot of my friends also play it. I also play rugby.

    My favorite English song is "Through Da Storm" by Polo G. And my favorite Afrikaanse song is "Wanneer sterre verskiet" by Georic Lomas.

    I started playing skywars cause it was one of mv's gamemodes and I haven't stopped playing it cause it's different than other skywars servers and quite fun.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
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  10. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    bump lol so others see this <3
  11. kingzonas

    kingzonas Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2020
    Hi all! I'm kingzonas, AKA jellyvish404 on twitch/youtube! No, I don't have my streamer rank yet, the mods don't seem to be responding to my thread post on that.

    I live in Canada, so we're already on our like, 5th snowfall.

    As you could probably guess, I LOVE streaming and I stream at least once a week on skywars, often twice a week.

    I also like to play stardew valley, overwatch, and other games on the side of minecraft.

    I found the skywars server randomly looking around for a skyblock server, and accidentally joined it. The community was super friendly, so I never left lol
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  12. Malc

    Malc Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    1. My IGN is Mvdi because my real name is Madi, it's unoriginal but it's short and looks OG so I've kept it since 2015.
    2. I'm from Arizona. It's hot and we have lots of cacti. That's about it.
    3. I can only speak english.
    4. I like gaming and skateboarding.
    5. I mostly just play Minecraft and Among Us but I like other games too.
    6. I don't play sports
    7. Camila Cabello and Amy Winehouse are two of my all-time favorite artists. I like their lyrics and their voices a lot.
    8. I originally joined Mineverse because of the Skywars gamemode, and I kind of just migrated here when it became it's own server.
  13. athyrix

    athyrix Forums Creator

    Aug 26, 2020
    My MC name is Athyrix, there's not a lot of backstory behind that one though, it's simply a nice combination of letters I liked and it shows because when you google Athyrix it comes up with my profiles on Mineverse, Skyblock and SkyWars! My IRL name (where most commonly I am referred to), James, became my legal name when we moved to England.
    I come from Portugal and Spain, some of my favourite Portuguese food includes Pastéis de Nata (a type of custard tart). I was born and grew up in Porto in the northern area and I love my extensive family to bits! We get lots of hot weather in the summer, and then lots of cold and snow in the winter!
    Portuguese (1st language):
    • Olá @Disc é muito parvo, tb @Gabby mas ela é uma boa amiga (com disc tb). <3
    • Hi, disc is really silly, also gabby but she is a good friend (with disc too)
    French (studied at school years ago):
    • Salut, je mange mes légumes tous les jours..
    • Hi, I eat my vegetables every day...
    Definitely flying, love it. I also quite like swimming, football and going out partying / hanging out with my friends (obviously not in this climate, but previously and hopefully in the future)!

    Minecraft (obviously), Among Us, Sims 4, admittedly I like euro truck simulator because driving is relaxing ok and a few others to name.

    Football is probably just my gene, but I like going to the gym or running more because it's a "me" time and I can be alone with my thoughts and my music.

    AAHH recently I love Giulia Be because I am in love with some of her latest songs, definitely inesqueciviel at the top currently (with Luan Santana) but I like a lot of pop and pop rap.

    I liked Moderating SkyWars because it was different to Skyblock moderation, and I liked that!

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  14. Qwiby

    Qwiby Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    I always said muddy
  15. boba

    boba side eye Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Bumping for others to try this out!
  16. drwho42

    drwho42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    my username is based on my fondness for doctor who and the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
    i'm from California but my mum is from the Philippines.
    i'm learning klingon and french on duolingo. idk? "jISup 'ej bISup" = "I jump and you jump"

    i collect sci-fi books and magazines from the 1960s/1970s! i use the research to help improve the Wikipedia which is always a work in progress.
    i play all kinds! usually i prefer retrogaming but lately I've been playing the long dark (2014)
    does fishcenter count? :p
    idk, my favourite band is stereolab. maybe "you're so (technical)" by the magnetic fields.

    recommendations from the Minecraft community!
  17. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    • Your name, what it means and any backstory about it
    my irl name is Archie, all my mates irl call me that

    • Where you’re from, some things about where you’re from.
    i live in the south west of the rainy country england!

    • What languages can you speak, and maybe a sentence in that language with a translation if possible.
    i speak English and tats it

    • Your favourite hobbies
    hehe, mc obviously, tennis, basketball, messaging random people on discord, sleeping

    • What games you like to play and why.
    Mc ofc, terraria, and that’s about it lol, im pretty simple

    • Any sports you play and what inspired you to play them.
    Basketball and tennis, I havnt played them in ages for obvious reasons, I started playing them because my mum forced me, Im glad she did tho xd

    • Favourite song and artist and what do you like about their songs.
    Adele, powfu, and ik this aint in the question but I like lofi songs lol

    • What got you to play Skywars and what’s kept you there.
    Now, when I first found out about it is when I started playing noobcrews other server ( and didn’t really play, then like 2 months ago I started getting into it, and im not sure whats about it but I doesn’t really get old tbh

    Thanks for creating this thread boboboboboa ly

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