Withdrawn Disc's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Disc, Oct 28, 2020.

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  1. Disc

    Disc Active Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    -= {IGN} =-

    My current in-game name is Discomfit.
    -= {What time zone are you in?} =-

    My time zone is BRT, Brasilia Time Zone. (UTC-3)
    -= {What country do you live in?} =-

    I live in Brazil, being more specific São Paulo.
    -= {What languages do you speak?} =-

    I speak many languages such as:

    -Fluent Portuguese; - B.1 German; - Fluent English; - B2 Spanish.

    (I am willing to show my work if necessary)
    = {Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?} =

    Yes, I do. I personally use Windows+G, which for me is easier to use and can be opened within seconds. As for screenshots I have Gyazo which is extremely practical to use and opens the screenshot immediately on my browser.

    (I am always open about recording software suggestions)
    = {Why do you think you should become a mod?} =

    I have a few reasons why I think I should become a Mod. Firstly, I am a very fast learner, I tend to pick up on things very quickly and can adapt to any kind of situation needed. Demonstrated on how many languages I can speak by a young age. Another reason I think I am suitable for Mod is my persistency at my work, which tremendously helped me about the last topic I talked about, I won’t be satisfied until I reach the goal/information I’ve set myself out to get/reach. However, I don’t rush at what I am doing and always double check my sources and information, never jumping to conclusions. I would not say I am one of the most mature person, but I can be if needed. I am also very trustworthy, if someone tells me something its as if you’ve stored it in a extremely protected safe. I do not disclose the information independent of the player or their rank. Lastly, I am an extremely sociable player (from what I have been told by others) getting along with everyone in-game, being outgoing and friendly. Something that I also judge to be extremely important to have as a moderator, so you have an understanding of the current community and don’t blindly punishing players without knowing if it banters or an actual threat, and so they don’t feel uncomfortable around you when asking for help. Lastly, I do not easily crack under pressure, which in my opinion is an extremely valuable skill for mods nowadays. I play most game modes in MV, however I am most active on Infection, Creative, Survival, Op & Parkour, I don’t mind having to switch game modes to watch hackers. I am also extremely active on Discord & Forums and have good knowledge of the commands used. Being active on all platforms of MV is also particularly important, why you may ask? The answer for that is simple. You need to always know what is happening around the server and what players are thinking about, be it a something we can improve on or something that are just in their mind that could help the server out. I also have a good amount of knowledge of the in game commands such as ~ /ban (IGN) (time) (reason), /unban (IGN), /kick (IGN) (Reason) & /mute (IGN) (time) (Reason). ~

    Since I talked about my qualities, I also feel that I should tell everyone some points I must work on. As of now I feel like I am not as mature I feel like I should be, however I will/am working on that. Another point I should work on is when things don’t go my way and I tend to prove my point (sadly getting a bit fired up), my solution? I give myself a minute or more to chill my head off and take a step back to rethink what happened and re-evaluate how I acted. When I do that and I notice I am wrong I go directly to the person and admit I was wrong, and that I shouldn’t have lashed out that way.
    = {How long can you be active on the server every day?} =

    In-Game: 1hr - 3hr

    = {Have you ever been banned on our platforms?} =

    Yes, I have been banned on Mineverse and Skyblock before.

    = {Do you have any previous experience in moderation?} =

    Yes, I do.

    = {How long have you been a member of Skywars?} =

    Sadly, I don't really know how long i've been a member in-game wise. But on forums since September.

  2. Atombow

    Atombow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Full support, kind and well known in the community.
  3. Disc

    Disc Active Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Thank you, kind sir : >
  4. Frez

    Frez Moderator Moderator Competition Team

    Sep 19, 2020
    Full Support! You are kind and easy to talk to and you have knowledge of the server and its rules! GL Disc! <3
  5. Qwiby

    Qwiby Well-Known Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Full support. Active, friendly, good timezones, chill personality, does a lot of reports why the hell would u not get mod is beyond me
  6. Disc

    Disc Active Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Thank you Frez! <3

    Thanks Qwibs ly :) <3
  7. Sando3

    Sando3 Active Member Premium

    Sep 19, 2020
    Once your skywars application is not an extact replica of your Mineverse one I'm willing to reconsider, but at this point in time I don't think you're dedicated towards Skywars at all. Skywars is different from Mineverse and Skyblock, but has aspects from both. I don't feel like you go well with the current team or it's rules, punishments and guidelines they have. Essentially I don't see you fit as staff on Skywars - I think Mineverse would've suited you and your behaviour more.

    You also announced that you would quit minecraft last week, closed your mv staff app and opened one here? Why? You also left the Skywars Discord a solid month ago after the daily among us games stopped. I feel like you were only active on the Skywars Discord and Forums because your friends were actively there for the first weeks after launch. You go where your friends are. I don't see you as a Skywars player, and neither do you according to the gamemodes you listed that you play the most.

    Skywars moderation is mainly spectating players in /vanish for hours upon hours. I really don't think this is what suits you. You're a social person who likes to joke around, not moderate alone for a few hours every day. If you don't find joy playing anymore, why in the world would you want to spectate people play? This is also without mentioning your violations on sw, sb and mv.

    It's a no support from me sorry.
  8. Rent

    Rent Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Changing to no support because of this. I never even realised you copied your Mineverse Mod Application so that's a bummer. I feel like if you really wanted staff, you would dedicate time to create a fresh and more enhanced Application rather than copying and pasting your own from another forums. If you create a new application in good detail, I'll reconsider but for now it's no support, sorry. I'll be removing my comment from before.
  9. No support..

    Reasons being I agree with Sando. I was confused, you just made a farewell post recently on the MV forums saying you weren’t interested too much on Minecraft, I understand you might not like many servers on this game or stuff like that, but to me this doesn’t make any sense. I don’t really see you ‘active’ on Skywars much, could be my mistake when talking about time-zones, however you used to be quite active earlier in the year (when I used to see you) and now, I’m not sure if we all can agree.

    Why make a Staff App here when you wrote a post (on the MV forums) saying you won’t play Minecraft as much since you’re not all in all into the game too much now? I get you want to moderate a server, a mini-game for players but you don’t show me you’re fit enough for the role.

    I think you also rushed through your application, you need show some traits which I can’t see have been pursued for me to push it forward and change my rating into a better one.

    I can't support you this time, sorry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2020
  10. Pillow

    Pillow Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Gonna have to go with neutral. As much as I want to support this, @Prompae is right, you did just make a farewell thread on mv soo
  11. Disc

    Disc Active Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    I completely agree and understand what you have said. Cheers Sando, maybe i'll see you around when I come back ;)

    Yeah, that is true, I shouldn't have copied & pasted it in the first place if I had no proper intentions of applying.

    It's ok Pillow, I understand what Prompae said is correct, I will be leaving MV and minecraft overall for some time.

    Yessir, you are right i'm not active at all, that's because as you've pointed out i'm leaving for some time. There is no need for you to change your rating, as most likely I will be asking a mod to archive this thread or delete it myself.

    Thank you guys for spending the time to write these responses, and I completely agree with what all of you said. Being completely honest, I was put in a position to make this application here as a joke, which I had no proper intentions to moderate the server, as many of you have pointed out this is a blatant copy and paste from my MV application. Also as @Prompae said, I did just make a leaving thread on MV, which in this case he is right. As I will be leaving the community for some time and taking the time to work on school and other stuff. I was gonna close this the moment I posted it but ended up forgetting. Sorry, for the inconvinience.

    @Acceptation @Aly
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2020
  12. Acceptation

    Acceptation Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
    Thread locked on request.
    If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

    Kind regards,
    The Staff
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