Competition St. Patrick's Day 2025

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Novembree, Mar 16, 2025.

  1. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    (Yes, I know it's tomorrow...) In honour of the holiday we have a few events and goodies in store for you all, including TWO chances to win a $75.00 SkyWars OR Skyblock gift card! Read on for more information on how to participate!

    St. Patrick’s Day Roles

    Head over to ⁠#st-pattys-roles-2025 in our Discord Server to choose your very own themed role! These will only be available until March 18th, 11:59 PM EST so choose quickly and wisely!

    Join our Discord Here:

    - St. Patty's Four Leaf Clover
    - St. Patty's Balloon
    - St. Patty's Lucky Horseshoe

    /points Leaderboards Challenge

    From now until March 31st, hop online and battle it out on SkyWars to earn yourself in-game /points! If you make it on the leaderboard you will have the chance to win the following prizes!

    1st Place: $75 SkyWars or Skyblock Giftcard
    2nd Place: $50 SkyWars or Skyblock Giftcard
    3rd Place: $25 SkyWars or Skyblock Giftcard
    4th-10th Place: $10 SkyWars or Skyblock Giftcard

    You must abide by our server rules at all times while participating in this month’s /points competition.

    St. Patrick's Gold Coin Hunt

    Join us on SkyWars in-game for a fun gold coin hunt to earn yourself a $10 SkyWars or Skyblock giftcard and to be entered into a raffle for a $75.00 giftcard!

    How It Works:
    Hidden around spawn there are (7) hidden gold coin heads. Each head is accompanied by a sign with *part* of a secret coordinate written on it. The signs will be written in yellow and look like this:

    X: xx
    Y: 8xx
    Z: -xx

    Each “x” indicates a hidden coordinate you need to uncover, the 8 (for example) is the missing coordinate you found! When you find a head, make a note of the part of coordinate you found AND take a selfie with the coin before moving on to finding the rest! Submit your selfies to @Novembree or @beensmc to earn yourself a free $10 SkyWars OR Skyblock gift card!

    Once you have collected all your coordinates, use deduction to figure out where you can find the hidden (invisible) block that the coordinates lead to. Once you find the block, stand on top of it and take a selfie! This selfie will earn you (1) entry in a raffle for a $75.00 SkyWars or Skyblock gift card.

    Event Rules:
    - THIS IS A SOLO EVENT. Teaming up is *not allowed*. Please *do not* share the location of the gold coin heads with other users so that everyone has a chance to experience the fun for themselves.
    - You must submit all photos of you with your coins to either @beensmc or @Novembree by March 18th, 2025, 11:59 pm EST
    - Hacks/flying is NOT permitted. If you are caught cheating, you will be excluded from the raffle and NOT awarded any prizes.
    - Some coins require parkour to access. If you get *really really* stuck, please DM @Novembree for an alternative way to earn the missing coordinate from a parkour coin challenge.

    The winner of the raffle will be announced on March 19th.

    Best of luck! :loveheart:

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