/ping Perms for Players In-game

Discussion in 'Suggestions Archive' started by Deleted Member, Apr 13, 2022.

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  1. Hey, with the recent update, /ping was added to check a player's connection. After a bit of experimenting, I've noticed that players aren't actually allowed to check a specific player's connection during a live match.

    I'm not sure if this was meant to be added or if it was just added for the lobby but I think it'd be very nice if players were also able to check a player's connection in-game. It's not a very big change but I believe it would be a useful one if it were to be added.

    This shouldn't be too big of a change, just to allow players to check a specific player's connection in-game [​IMG]
  2. Noobcrew

    Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

    Aug 28, 2020
    Added. Thanks :)
  3. Novembree

    Novembree Administrator Administrator Competition Leader

    Jan 1, 2021
    Thank you for taking your time to submit a suggestion!
    Upon review it has been decided that we will accept your suggestion!

    Thread locked and moved to Suggestions - Archive.
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