Since you can get warned for posting too many messages, (for some reason), why not just make a cooldown of like 3 messages per hour, 30m, or 15m, honestly though at least in my opinion, if it's not on the same thread it's dumb. But in the "Off-Topic" section this won't count
Or a simpler solution is to keep calm on how much you post. Don’t post too much within a short amount of time and you’re all good : ) (I’m not saying this directly to you sob)
perhaps people want to talk in off-topic where such rules do not apply (unless this forum gives posts for off-topic msgs) and therefore you might as well just abide by the rules..
The post farming rule is in place in order to prevent people from simply posting to raise their post count, but instead posting to contribute to threads. Adding a cooldown for posts would be extremely annoying, especially for those that are genuinely just posting to contribute to threads. The goal isn't to discourage people from posting, but rather to discourage useless/farming/repetitive posts. While I see where you're coming from, I just don't think this is the most efficient way to discourage post farming.
their posts just get deleted anyways lol, ALSO, I was just replying to threads anyways, I was saying no support and whatnot too, not even post farming
There is a cool down in place, its a few seconds long. A longer cooldown would not be pragmatic. It's pretty obvious when a user is just trying to farm posts for whatever reason, so as long as you aren't breaking the rule wildly you should be in the clear.
Thank you for taking your time to submit a suggestion! Unfortunately your suggestion has been declined as it may have not been felt necessary, possible or needed. Suggestions are always needed! Thread locked and moved to Suggestions - Archive.